Parallel Sessions / Posters

Parallel Sessions

Wednesday, 7 November 2018 – Session A
15:45 - 17:00

A1 – Workshop – Room: RE42

Public Mental Health: Wie trägt Psychologie zur psychischen Gesundheit der Bevölkerung bei?  (abstract)

Netzwerk Psychische Gesundheit Schweiz, Alfred Künzler

A2 – Workshop – Room: RN02

FMH-Round table; Endstation Sozialhilfe?  (abstract)

FMH, Barbara Weil

A3 – Workshop – Room: RE48

Von der Gesundheitsbefragung zum Gesundheitsbericht und zur gesundheitspolitischen Massnahme  (abstract)

Federal Statistical Office, Swiss Confederation, Marco Storni

A4 – Workshop – Room: RN08

Langzeitpflege im Alter: Problemlage und Lösungsansätze  (abstract)

EA Epidemiologische Analysen, Christoph Junker

A5 – Oral presentations – Room: RE46
Social inequalities and health literacy  (abstracts)
Chair: Margot Mütsch, EBPI UZH

Social inequalities in sleep-related breathing disorders: evidence form the HypnoLaus study
IUMSP, University of Lausanne, Dusan Petrovic

The Role of Knowledge in Preventive Health Actions – A Science Education Perspektive
FHNW, Zentrum für Naturwissenschafts- und Technikdidaktik, Julia Arnold

Health Literacy and Health: Decomposing a Statistical Association
Berner Fachhochschule, René Rüegg

Institutionalising equity and inclusion in health programming
Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, Erika Placella

Evidence for Action: A Practical Application of Health Systems Analysis Tools to Spur Effective Policy-Making
Swiss TPH, Aliya Karim

The effectiveness of “Modelle guter Praxis” – a methodical discussion
Federal Office of Public Health, Angela Bachmann


A6 – Oral presentations – Room: RN04
Health challenges over the life course  (abstracts)
Chair: Isabel Baumann + Ursula Meidert, ZHAW

Public care in childhood, risk factors in adulthood, and mortality: pooled data from two birth cohorts
IUMSP, University of Lausanne, Carlos De Mestral

Lone Mothers’ Repartnering Trajectories and Health: Does the welfare context matter?
UNIL, Laura Bernardi

Dear Internet, what shall I do? – Parents resorting to digital media for information on children’s health
ZHAW, Julia Dratva

Factors associated with disability pension in young adults in Switzerland
ZHAW, Szilvia, Altwicker-Hámori

Substance Use among Swiss Young men – Cohort Study of Substance Use Risk Factors (C-SURF) form 2010-2018
HES-SO Lausanne, Meichun Mohler-Kuo

Living with Chronic Conditions in Later Years: How Social Factors Influence Quality of Life
ZHAW, WIG, Marc Höglinger



Thursday, 8 November 2018 – Session B
10:00 - 11:15


B1 – Round table; Advocacy & Governance (to exemplify tobacco) – Room: Aula


B2 – Workshop – Room: RE46

Nationale, regionale und lokale Initiativen zur Entwicklung von Carin Communities  (abstract)

Wissenszentrum, Zentrum Schönberg, Bern, Barbara Steffen-Bürgi


B3 – Workshop – Room: RE48

Cochrane Crowd: Wie Citizen Scientists Evidenz für systematische Reviews verfügbar machen  (abstract)

Cochrane Schweiz, IUMSP, Lausanne, Annegret Borchard


B4 – Oral presentations – Room: RE42
Insights into Swiss public health sciences  (abstracts)
Chair: Sabine Rohrmann + Jean-Philippe Krieger, EBPI UZH

Social capital and depression: The case of a community-based intervention
Institut des Sciences Sociales, UNIL, Annahita Ehsan

The association of daytime activity and sleep with quality of life: A compositional data analysis
Erasmus MC Rotterdam + ISPM Bern, Sanne Verhoog

Suicide rates in farmers compared to other men 1991 to 2014: Swiss National Cohort
ISPM Bern, Nicole Steck

Association of thyroid function with life expectancy with and without non-communicable diseases
ISPM Bern, Newcastle University, Erasmus MC Rotterdam, Arjola Bano

Precision nutrition: Hype or hope for public health interventions to reduce obesity?
IUMSP, University of Lausanne, Angeline Chatelan

Job industries at high risk for airway obstruction and mortality – A Swiss large-scale cohort study
EBPI, University of Zurich, Alexandra Strassmann


B5 – Oral presentations – Room: RN04
Public health challenges beyond vaccination  (abstracts)
Chair: Denise Felber Dietrich, department of public health city of Berne

Vaccination Policy, Vaccine Uptake, and Vaccine Hesitancy in Switzerland
Kantonsspital BS, University of Basel, Philip Tarr

Regional and cantonal variations in timely adherence to measles vaccination scheme in Switzerland, 2005-2016
EBPI, University of Zurich, Phung Lang

Evaluation du projet pilote de vaccination contre la grippe en pharmacie en Valais
Observatoire valaisan de la santé, Julien Sansonnens

Political prioritization of neglected tropical diseases: Moving beyond the 2020 Roadmap
Università della Svizzera italiana, Nathaly Aya Pastrana

Plasmodium infection as a risk factor for hypertension in adults: Results from a population-based survey in south-central Côte d’Ivoire
Swiss TPH, Ikenna Eze

Etat des lieux de la lutte contre le marché informel de médicaments du Togo : dispositifs et limites
Institut of Global Health, University of Geneva, Aféignindou Gnassingbe