
It is only with the help of our supporters that we are able to hold the Swiss Public Health Conference annually in German, French and English, and to provide in-depth coverage of selected aspects of public health topics in exciting presentations by renowned experts from academia and practice.

Premium partner :


The company MSD Merck Sharp & Dohme in Switzerland has had a presence in Switzerland for 60 years. MSD now has about 1’000 employees in five locations in the Canton of Lucerne and the Canton of Zurich. In “The Circle”, our Zurich site, we operate the newly opened global innovation and development hub. Our main areas of therapy include oncology, infectious diseases, immunology and cardiovascular diseases. We also have a wide portfolio of vaccines to prevent illnesses in children, young people and adults. MSD has one of the largest clinical research programs, and Switzerland contributes more than 43 clinical studies per year. At our site in Schachen, we produce medicines for worldwide clinical studies and operate a forensic laboratory. MSD also takes local responsibility for the community and has been involved for many years in the “Trendtagen Gesundheit Luzern” (Lucerne Health Trend Days) and in the “Allianz Gesundheitskompetenz” (Health Literacy Alliance). In 2023, MSD received the “Top Employer Switzerland” award for the eleventh time in a row.

Further information is available at,


AstraZeneca is a British pharmaceutical company and has been active in Switzerland for almost 50 years. The company is among the ten largest pharmaceutical firms in Switzerland and is involved in the following therapy areas: oncology, respiratory diseases and immunology, cardiovascular, renal and metabolic diseases, as well as vaccines and immunotherapy, which also includes medications to combat Covid 19. The primary aim of the over 250 staff members is to make new medicines available to patients as rapidly as possible. In Switzerland, more than 240,000 individuals are under treatment with an AstraZeneca medication. By 2025, the firm anticipates licensing over 35 new therapies. AstraZeneca is committed to the goal of making the Swiss health care system more sustainable and resilient. In order to honour its commitment to a healthy planet and a healthy population, the company is working tirelessly to reduce CO2 emissions and waste products. Thus, it has set a target for itself to come carbon-negative by 2030.

Further information about AstraZeneca Switzerland:

With support of:



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A successful conference thanks to your support!

You would like to use the Swiss Public Health Conference as a platform and support it? Get in touch with us.

Martina Zürcher
Responsible Fundraising
+41 31 350 16 02