Dr. Wilm Quentin
Senior research fellow at the Department of Health Care Management Tech University Berlin
Senior research fellow at the Department of Health Care Management Tech University Berlin
Professor of Political Science at the KPM Center for Public Management University of Bern
Director of Management at the European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies
Head of department and professor at the University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland, titular professor at the Università della Svizzera italiana and Deputy Director of the Swiss School of Public Health+ (SSPH+)
CEO Rehaklinik Bellikon
Ambassador for Global Health Nora Kronig Romero is Vice-Director General of the Federal Office of Public Health and heads the International Affairs Division.
Leitung Arbeitsgruppe "Disability Policy and Implementation Research" in Nottwil und Koordinatorin des WHO Kollaborationszentrum für "Rehabilitation in Global Health Systems" an der Universität Luzern.
Andreas Balthasar is titular
professor of political science at the University of Lucerne. In 1991 he founded
Interface Policy Studies Research and
Consulting, a private company specialized in policy evaluation. Balthasar’s
main areas of research are Swiss health policy and evidence-informed
Gerold Stucki is Professor and Chair of the Department of Health Sciences and Medicine at the University of Lucerne and Director of Swiss Paraplegic Research (SPF) in Switzerland.
Samia Hurst is a physician bioethicist, ethics consultant, and professor of Bioethics at Geneva University's medical school in Switzerland.