The organizers of the Swiss Public Health Conference
The Swiss Public Health Conference is organised each year by The Swiss Society for Public Health and the Swiss School of Public Health (SSPH+). Each year, a Swiss academic institution assumes the role of host and takes the scientific-thematic lead. The Swiss Society for Public Health
The Swiss Society for Public Health is an independent national organisation representing the concerns of public health. With its expert Council, six thematic specialist groups, as well as individual, collective members and donors, it builds a nationwide interdisciplinary network for public health experts, who are given the opportunity for professional exchange. The Swiss Society for Public Health is committed to create optimal conditions and support decision-makers for the improvement of the Swiss population’s health. The Swiss Society for Public Health organizes several symposia on topical health issues each year.
Swiss School of Public Health (SSPH+)
Since its founding in 2005, the Swiss School of Public Health (SSPH+) assembles the inter-university faculty of public health sciences affiliated with ten Swiss universities (Basel, Bern, Geneva, Lausanne, Lucerne, Neuchâtel, Svizzera italiana, Zurich, SUPSI and ZHAW. The jointly supported Foundation is based on the vision that public health sciences are shaped by many disciplines. In a small country like Switzerland, no academic institution has the critical mass needed to cover all health-related issues. The SSPH+ "virtual inter-university public health faculty" strengthens health sciences with an innovative lean structure in a country where federal structures have led to rather weak public health systems. Training and education programs of more than 200 Faculty members empower health professionals to find appropriate answers to complex health issues. SSPH+ Faculty members supervise over 400 PhD students in public health sciences.

Swiss Public Health
Conference 2020
«From Evidence to Public Health Policy and Practice»
The Swiss Public Health Conference 2020 will be will be hosted jointly with the Department of Health Sciences & Medicine of the University of Lucerne.Department of Health Sciences & Medicine University of Lucerne
The Department of Health Sciences and Medicine was launched on 1 August
2019. The Department reports directly to the rector and is made up of
three sections: Health Sciences and Health Policy, Medicine and
The Department enables scientific research in its
fields to be carried out at a high level. It conducts research-based
teaching, enables learning in direct connection with science and
prepares its students for lifelong learning. It also promotes and
develops new and innovative teaching formats.
Within the section of
Medicine, a curriculum is being developed that consistently promotes
prospective doctors and creates the basis for qualitative and innovative
medicine for the benefit of patients and Central Switzerland's health
care system.
The section of Rehabilitation and its associated Center
for Rehabilitation in Global Health Systems will focus on strengthening
rehabilitative health strategies and researching them accordingly.
The section of Health Sciences and Health Policy is currently
establishing a Bachelor of Science in Health Sciences (scheduled to
start in autumn 2021), which will complement the existing Master's and
Doctorate program as well as the thematic profiles of the Department.
Scientific Committee
- Stefan Boes (Universität Luzern)
- Roland Charrière (BAG)
- Valérie Clerc (SAMW / ASSM)
- Monika Diebold (Obsan)
- Julia Dratva (ZHAW & SGPG)
- Nino Künzli (SSPH+)
- Sarah Mantwill (Universität Luzern)
- Sandra Nocera (SSPH+)
- Carlos Quinto (FMH)
- Damiano Urbinello (MSD Merck Sharp & Dohme AG)
Corina Wirth (Public Health Schweiz / Santé publique Suisse)
- Ursula Zybach (Public Health Schweiz / Santé publique Suisse)